Helping Homeless Veterans can be painless

Helping Homeless Veterans can be painless if you pay Arizona State taxes. In addition to the school credit that many take you may also take a tax credit up to $400 for a couple or $200 for a single by donating to the homeless or working poor. This amount comes straight off the top of your Arizona State taxes and can then be taken as a tax deduction on your federal taxes. You can contact me for a full explanation at 480-802-6810 or e-mail me at for the forms. This Tax credit is sponsored by the JWV Dept of the Southwest and all funds are used by the posts involved in helping the homeless regardless of religion or race. The post in Sun Lakes works with homeless veterans at Victory Place, Crossroads and other homeless veterans facilities in Phoenix. This tax credit must be finished and paid by the end of the year and not April 15.

The John C. Butler Destroyer Escort Sailors Association meets on the second Monday each month at 11 a.m. at Hometown Buffet, 1312 N. Scottsdale Rd. The group has shipped over 149 boxes in their Care Program to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Information Tom Alexander 602-973-5380.

Kathleen Lewis, the founder of Packages from Home started the organization while seeing her son off to Iraq. She had traveled to Germany and realized how many of the soldiers had no one to write to. The organization has sent over 200,000 packages since 2004. Each package sent is valued between $40-$50. There are donation centers throughout the valley. You may help by going on line for a full story of needed items by contacting them at 602-253-0284. Funds are also needed to defray the shipping costs.

Military Families Foundation, Inc “Project We Remember” has entered into an  agreement with Loved Ones Lost in an effort to raise funds to help Veterans and their families. Tony Tiedemann, through Loved Ones Lost, has been providing Project We Remember with a $1,000 per month donation to add an additional one bedroom apartment close to the Carl T. Hayden VA Hospital so families may be with their loved one as they receive care at the hospital. In addition Tony donated about 400 coats last year and will also repeat this year with about the same amount for Stand Down for homeless veterans in Feb. Tony had started his own charity to help veterans and is continuing this project through his business Tiedeman Global. If you would like to help house families of veterans please contact Project We Remember 480-306-4777. Loved Ones Lost raises funds by collecting used clothing in their receptacles throughout the valley. Two of these containers are located in front of the health building in the Sun Lakes Country club section of Sun Lakes on Sun Lakes Boulevard.

Hats off to the Sun Lakes United Methodist Church and their Mission Committee which has found many ways to help veterans. They first collected underwear then socks and other items for the homeless veterans and patients and they are now supporting the Military and Veterans Hospitality Room at Terminal 2 at Sky Harbor Airport with a monthly donation of funds.

SKCM Art Sloane USCG retired

2 thoughts on “Helping Homeless Veterans can be painless

  1. Mr. Art Sloane does a great job of promoting local Veterans’ organizations. Kudos to him for being the voice of the Veterans.

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