Charles Clausen D.D.S., P.C. is the owner of Gentle Family Dentistry in Avondale, Arizona. He has served patients in the West Valley for over twenty years. We have a warm environment with an excellent staff that is committed to providing you with personalized care. We provide a variety of services including crowns, root canals, dentures, dental implants and “All on four” teeth in a day.
Also for more information on dental implants see http://www.charlesclausendds.com/implants.
Treatment options will be provided and discussed based on your individual desires. Patients frequently want to know what is the best method to permanently replace missing teeth. The correct answer varies, based on age and health. I provide our patients with options and recommendations so that they can make the best choice. The two most popular options for permanent tooth replacement are a fixed dental bridge or a dental implant and porcelain crown.
A fixed dental bridge utilizes the teeth next to the missing tooth area to support the bridge which is permanently cemented in place. Fixed bridges work wonderfully but it is essential that the teeth supporting the bridge have good gum health with solid bone structure. If this condition is met then the tooth structure itself must be evaluated for support of the fixed bridge. Often times the teeth that will be used to support the bridge have fillings that are breaking due to the increased chewing load they are providing because of the missing tooth. The old restorations are removed and the teeth are built up and strengthened during the bridge preparation. The final bridge design is a series of crowns splinted together producing an extremely durable chewing area. Conversely, if the adjacent teeth to the missing tooth are free of decay or fillings then an implant may be a better choice to consider. The first step in placing a dental implant is to take a CT scan so the anatomy of the bone can be seen in three dimensions and the exact placement of the implant can be planned. Bone grafting needs are also determined and vital structures are identified. Modern imaging has made dental implant placement very precise and that is why today they have a success rate that exceeds 96%.
The surgical placement of the implant or even multiple implants is done in office with local anesthesia. Sometimes mild sedation is used if a patient desires and the procedure produces generally low post-operative discomfort. The dental implant or implants are then used to retain crowns, bridges, or even implant retained dentures if an entire arch of teeth is missing. Whether you have a question about missing teeth or just require routine dental hygiene visits we invite you to become a part of our dental family.
You can visit us online to learn more about or any dental topic of your choice at http://www.CharlesClausenDDS.com.
Charles Clausen, DDS; Gentle Family Dentistry & Orthodontics, 13055 W. McDowell Road, Suite G103, Avondale, Arizona 85392; phone 623-848-0100.
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