Time for a break?

We’ve been on the ‘new normal’ kick for a while now. Maybe it’s time for a break?

Your punditry team was chatting the other day (actually we do that a lot, but that is one of the most useful parts of the job) and we got off on the topic of turnover. Have you ever wondered why it is that value investors tend to have a fairly long time horizon while growth investors seem to be much more focused on the near term? It would seem that value investors ought to be the ones with the fairly short time frame. Value, if you do it even remotely right, ought to be the approach that would compel you to buy and sell, buy and sell as one investment after another became cheap and then was recognized as being undervalued and bid up. By the same token, true growth companies should work for perhaps decades before the growth fades and they become more pedestrian. So, which group has it wrong? The value investors who wait and wait until even their worst ideas work out? Or the growth folks, who demand instant satisfaction? We think it is mostly the growth folks. Too many ‘growth’ investors are in fact only momentum investors. Read more

No Friend Left Behind – free breast cancer presentation and breakfast – Oakwood Club House

“No Friend Left Behind” free presentation and breakfast to celebrate breast cancer awareness week at the Oakwood Club House in Sun Lakes. The purpose of the presentation is to educate our local community and to provide education and hope for breast cancer survival.
Denise Hooper, MD is one of our Sun Lakes residents who will present during this breakfast. She is a Board Certified Radiologist with fellowship training in Women’s Imaging.
Date & Time: Please join us on October 8, 2009 from 8 am to 10 am in the Bradford room Oakwood.
RSVP by October 5, 2009 by calling:  480-728-2008.

Think Green: Post, Not Paper!

Hello Sun Lakes,

The Sun Lakes Web is your tool for posting free advertisements and blogging about local Sun Lakes events.  If you have a community service organization or Sun Lakes club, you may post an entry in the Community Services directory.  Stories of public interest, local events, restaurant reviews are welcome.   

Residents may post free, non commercial classified advertisements, with pictures in over 80 categories.  You need only to create an account to place your advertisement.  So think Green, save a tree and get on board with today’s technology for communication with your neighbors at Sun Lakes; post – not paper!

If you are a professional and are interested in writing a periodical blog, (monthly, quarterly) please contact me to discuss.

Big Wa – Chinese Restaurant

Big Wa – 480-705-9061

990 E. Riggs Rd. #8, CHANDLER, AZ

Price Lunch: $5.95 – $6.95
Dinner: $8.95 – $12.95
Food: Very Good
Service: Fast and attentive
Atmosphere: Relaxing, booths & tables
Dress: Casual

This is a very nice Chinese restaurant.  The food is good and tasty. The value is better than average and I never leave hungry. There are many selections on the menu with pictures of the dinners.  I have been generally disappointed in the quality of Chinese restaurants in the east valley but Big Wa is the best I have found and is consistently good. This is my choice for entertaining friends and guests for casual Chinese food with a big taste!

Map & Directions

Online Identity Theft – Don’t Get Scammed

Social engineering is the tactic used to take the con game to the masses.  Today, con artists operate on a large scale using email and other mass communication tactics to dupe unsuspecting people into their traps and out of their money.  Mass communications make it easy to play the numbers.

I am a former computer security officer my training helps keep me out of some trouble.  However, you don’t need to be a professional background to protect your identity.  You just need some common sense to avoid a lot of trouble.

If you have email, sooner or later you will receive correspondence from someone who wants to do you harm.  They may offer you an opportunity to make money or may trick you into believing they have a business relationship with you.  Because this tactic is effective, the con artist continues to use it.

Here is how it works: Read more

Rocky Point (Mexico)

Rocky Point beach.
Rocky Point beach.

With gas costing as much as it does an inexpensive three day tour to Rocky Point, Mexico for charity should help everyone. The next two tours are scheduled for Jan 12-14 and Feb 23-25. The tours are limited to 55 persons. Each tour includes luxury bus, three days and two nights in the only American owned hotel in Rocky Point, two full breakfasts, one cocktail party with entertainment, a seafood Mexican dinner and three tours. The first stop is at Organ Pipe National Monument in Arizona. The second is to the CEDO Institute, the only Oceanographic Institute between Texas and California. The third includes shopping in an area in Rocky Point that is very unusual. A optional excursion is clamming with lunch in Cholla Bay. The bay has the second lowest tide in North America.  An evening cruise on the Sea of Cortez with drinks and nachos. Fishing trips and golfing may be arranged. All tours are conducted by Art Sloane, an Arizona tour guide who relates the history and geography of the area passed through.  Deposits are now being taken for future trips which will benefit three veterans charities, the Carl T. Hayden VA Hospital, Arizona Veterans Home and two homeless veterans facilities  The order reservations are received is the order persons board the bus.  Cost of the tour is $265 based on double occupancy. Information Art or Viv Sloane (480) 802-6810

Arthur G. Sloane (480) 802-6810 artgbeard@aol.com