Kimo Dejon with Aloha Adventure & Leisure Travel

An Independent Agency in the Avoya Travel / American Express Travel Network

About Kimo Dejon aloha-adventure-travel

My Agency is an Independent Agency in the Avoya Travel / American Express Network, one of the largest in the world – Our specialty is providing America’s Baby Boomers, Active Senior Citizens and Adventurous middle-aged travelers meet or exceed their vacation lifestyles!

I have been involved in the travel / hospitality industry for 37 years and I subscribe to 5 Star Customer Service…after the sale and ongoing there-after!

I believe in turning wanderlust dreams into precious lifetime memories…I have traveled extensively in my personal and professional life – almost 4 million real air miles flown, been to 34 countries and counting, numerous cruises from the Caribbean to French Polynesia! I have worked in the travel and hospitality industry and I love to travel because it is truly the best way to learn about various ethnic and cultures worldwide.

I am, as we say in Hawaii, a “poi dog” – ethnically, part this and part that…but Polynesian in my heart, soul and spirit is number one!
I love helping clients turn their wanderlust travel dreams into precious life-time memories – can we help you to experience a vacation of a lifetime also?

My Travel Adventures

I have a sincere and real zest for life and especially for travelling whenever and wherever I can. Karen and I are blessed to have done numerous cruises – on beautiful sailing yachts (Windstar Cruises ) and the large cruise ships (Carnival, NCL, Celebrity, Crystal, etc., etc.,).

One of my favorite vacation modes of enjoyment is to travel by rail (we have done numerous railway vacations over the years!) – this is why I consider it a absolute honor and privilege to help my clients with Amtrak Vacations, Canada’s First Class Rocky Mountaineer and the fabulous Grand Canyon Railroad Experience! In my opinion, there is no better way to see the beautiful countryside – and to completely relax while doing it – then to travel by railway!

I have traveled extensively throughout Asia-Pacific. the Caribbean, Western and Central Europe, French Polynesia and all of the South Pacific – have sailed from Hawaii to Tahiti – and back – with stops in Palmyra, Rarotonga, Tuomotus, etc., on a 53 foot catamaran in 8 weeks!
I have personally lived in the South Pacific, Hawaii. Europe and the Mainland USA.
My personal and professional endeavor is to provide my clients with the most spectacular and the most memorable vacations they can imagine!

For more information:

Contact: Kimo Dejon

Phone: 541-480-8586


Website:Avoya Travel – Aloha Adventure & Leisure Travel


With the abundance of sun in Arizona it’s a wonder we are just now asking this question. The fact is there has never been a better time to go Solar than right now. Arizona has some of the best incentives in the country. SRP will pay $2.70 per watt rebate ($3.00 for APS) of solar installed and the State will kick-in a $1,000 tax credit and not charge you any sales tax. Add that to a 30% federal tax credit and you end up with 65-70% of the cost of your system paid for. You still have some up front costs but the pay back is still attractive for most homeowners. For example, a $30,000 5 kilowatt system will end up costing you approximately $10,800 after all rebates and tax credits. This system will save you from $100 to $120 off your SRP electric bill depending on how efficiently you use the system. Read more

Geriatric Dentistry

Geriatric Dentistry

Americans are living longer and continuing to enjoy the lifestyles they have grown accustomed to, in large part, thanks to advances in modern medicine and dentistry. No longer are seniors housebound, forced to live out their senior years watching television in the recesses of an isolated dark living room.

Advances in dentistry have created not only the opportunity, but the expectation of continued oral health throughout a lifetime. People expect to enjoy active lifestyles which include the enjoyment of fine dining and the youthful look a full dentition provides by supporting facial structures and thus retaining a youthful appearance. Medicine has shown time and time again that nutrition is one of the key factors in maintaining health, requiring a healthy dentin to perform this function. The oral-systemic relationship is proven; chronic inflammation or infection in the mouth affects the whole body. Periodontal disease, a chronic inflammation, has been proven to increase the likelihood of stroke, heart attack, diabetes and other maladies. Infection in the mouth increases the rate of prosthetic joint failure and rejection. Read more

Scam Alert – Caller ID Name unknown 661-748-0244

I just received a call from an unidentified caller who said he was working for Smith Barney / Bank of America / Morgan Stanley and trying to get me some annuity information from the Tempe office to me. This fast talker rattled off his name (Michael), and the financial institutions like he was on his way to a fire. He told me he was verifying my address to send me a package and needed some more information. Catching you off-guard and spewing off several questions to create confusion are the tools of the scammer to extract information from the unsuspecting.

Do you know that identity theft is expensive? I have been told that identity theft can cost one $20,000 or more in legal fees to clean up the mess.

Be safe, if you did not initiate the call don’t give the caller any information, especially your social security, mother maiden name, local bank branch … If you are interested in the call, ask for a name and callback number. Then look it up.

Googling this callers number shows a number of scam complaints.

Think Green: Post, Not Paper!

Hello Sun Lakes,

The Sun Lakes Web is your tool for posting free advertisements and blogging about local Sun Lakes events.  If you have a community service organization or Sun Lakes club, you may post an entry in the Community Services directory.  Stories of public interest, local events, restaurant reviews are welcome.   

Residents may post free, non commercial classified advertisements, with pictures in over 80 categories.  You need only to create an account to place your advertisement.  So think Green, save a tree and get on board with today’s technology for communication with your neighbors at Sun Lakes; post – not paper!

If you are a professional and are interested in writing a periodical blog, (monthly, quarterly) please contact me to discuss.

Online Identity Theft – Don’t Get Scammed

Social engineering is the tactic used to take the con game to the masses.  Today, con artists operate on a large scale using email and other mass communication tactics to dupe unsuspecting people into their traps and out of their money.  Mass communications make it easy to play the numbers.

I am a former computer security officer my training helps keep me out of some trouble.  However, you don’t need to be a professional background to protect your identity.  You just need some common sense to avoid a lot of trouble.

If you have email, sooner or later you will receive correspondence from someone who wants to do you harm.  They may offer you an opportunity to make money or may trick you into believing they have a business relationship with you.  Because this tactic is effective, the con artist continues to use it.

Here is how it works: Read more