Absentee Home Security with Premier Property Watch LLC

Absentee homeownership is something thousands in the valley deal with every season.  Many of our Phoenix-area residents are transplants whose second homes are here in the valley, but whose primary homes are in other parts of the country or another country entirely.

Did you know that many potential problems that could occur to your home while you are away may not be covered by your homeowner’s policy if it’s determined the home was unoccupied and unattended for more than 30 days?

Your neighbor or friend who is willing to stop by on occasion likely has the best of intentions.  However, when your investment is at stake, are they really going to take the time to notice and notify you of potential issues that should be addressed immediately?

PREMIER Property Watch has been working with residents in the valley since 2016.  We are licensed, bonded, and insured and we take great care and pride in looking over your home while you are away.

Most residents dial back their air conditioning, shut off their water heaters, and ask a neighbor to check in on their homes while they are gone.  With warmer temperatures in the home, plastics can shrink, gaskets in dishwashers and clothes washers can shrink and dry rot, and traps in sinks and toilets can dry out allowing gases and cockroaches to enter the home through the sewers.

On top of that, extreme summer temperatures can quickly put a strain on your landscaping when sprinkler systems malfunction.

Flyers stuck indoors or laying on front steps can let criminals know this home is unoccupied.

Leaving your home unoccupied for up to 6 months out of the year presents special challenges and concerns.  With more and more people moving to the valley and, considering the current state of the world, leaving your second home for the season raises serious concerns.

For those reasons, more and more seasonal residents, vacationers, and traveling professionals trust their homes to PREMIER Property Watch while they are away.

Our comprehensive program and walk-through of your property identify key problem areas and provides you with a detailed report alerting you to potential problems.  We provide photographs and descriptions of any concerning areas we find.  We also work with our homeowners to solve those concerns before they can become costly repairs.

Our concierge services can provide simple maintenance and work with our homeowners to source, and give access to, trusted contractors for more involved repairs and services.

We can also keep vehicles driven and full of gas, monitor vehicles on trickle chargers, collect mail, stock refrigerators for returning clients, and a host of other services.

The valley is a paradise that we all enjoy 3 seasons out of the year.  When the heat of summer hits the valley, many of us retreat to other climates.  It’s at that time that our homes here are the most vulnerable.

Give us a call today to discuss your home and to receive a free quote to care for your home in your absence and provide any other services that cater to your needs.


PREMIER Property Watch LLC

Nathan Smith, Owner/Operator

Nathan Smith - PREMIER Property Watch LLC

Phone: 480-407-7710
Email:  info@wewatchhomes.com
Web:    www.wewatchhomes.com

Smart Yards – Artificial Grass

Smart Yards - Artificial Lawn
Smart Yards – Artificial Lawn

Are you tired of the maintenance, money, and water waste that your lawn consumes?  Or do you simply want to improve your short game with a custom putting green in the privacy of your home?

At Smart Yards, we offer the highest quality of artificial grass. Our grass encompasses the beauty and natural look of real lush grass without looking fake. Our designs embody landscape artistry while using minimal resources in the desert. Each product we offer comes equipped with a 15-year warranty.

​Building strong customer relations and connecting directly with our local communities is important to us. Our goal is to better learn our clients and in turn create superior results for them. We hold Smart Yards to a standard of excellence on many aspects and look forward to working with you.

If you are interested in artificial grass look no further and schedule your free consultation TODAY.

Contact Info:

(480) 369-8033




With the abundance of sun in Arizona it’s a wonder we are just now asking this question. The fact is there has never been a better time to go Solar than right now. Arizona has some of the best incentives in the country. SRP will pay $2.70 per watt rebate ($3.00 for APS) of solar installed and the State will kick-in a $1,000 tax credit and not charge you any sales tax. Add that to a 30% federal tax credit and you end up with 65-70% of the cost of your system paid for. You still have some up front costs but the pay back is still attractive for most homeowners. For example, a $30,000 5 kilowatt system will end up costing you approximately $10,800 after all rebates and tax credits. This system will save you from $100 to $120 off your SRP electric bill depending on how efficiently you use the system. Read more

Joan’s Real Estate Corner… What’s In, Out of Smaller Homes?

Buy a super-sized, outdated home today and you could have a tough time selling it when it’s time to move on.  By 2015, new homes will be 10 percent smaller, greener and packed with more technology and “universal” features than today’s homes, according to a new study by the National Association of Home Builders.

Read more

Joan’s Real Estate Corner… Holiday Home Safety

The Holiday season is upon us, and for most it is a time full of joy, fellowship, and family. But the unexpected can and does happen.

So, from stopping theft to preventing fires, here are a few tips from the experts that can help keep your family safe this time of year. Fire safety comes with the territory of the holidays. Trees and lighting can both be dangerous if not done correctly.

When selecting a real tree, be sure to buy one that is fresh. This means you should look for a fragrant tree that is a rich, deep green color. Also, the trunk should still be sticky with sap. Old trees are dry and brittle, and thus can be very flammable. Read more