Big Wa – Chinese Restaurant

Big Wa – 480-705-9061

990 E. Riggs Rd. #8, CHANDLER, AZ

Price Lunch: $5.95 – $6.95
Dinner: $8.95 – $12.95
Food: Very Good
Service: Fast and attentive
Atmosphere: Relaxing, booths & tables
Dress: Casual

This is a very nice Chinese restaurant.  The food is good and tasty. The value is better than average and I never leave hungry. There are many selections on the menu with pictures of the dinners.  I have been generally disappointed in the quality of Chinese restaurants in the east valley but Big Wa is the best I have found and is consistently good. This is my choice for entertaining friends and guests for casual Chinese food with a big taste!

Map & Directions

Cranberry Juice: Does It Really Help Prevent Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)?

This is a very common question I get from my female patients, both young and old. Many seem convinced that cranberry juice or pills can stop a urinary tract infection (UTI) in its tracks when they feel it coming on, or take cranberry to prevent them. Well…they may not be wrong.

After many years of grandma’s advice, in 1994 a study was done on elderly women who consumed 300 ml of cranberry juice for three months and showed less bacterial counts in the urine. This is where the whole cranberry-UTI link picked up some steam. But there is more… Read more

U.S. Economic History and Other Topics

U.S. Economic History and other Topics

A Quick Lesson on US Economic History
Prior to 1870’s, the US was largely an agrarian society with two-thirds of families living on farms and two-thirds or workers in agriculture. From the 1880’s to 1920 we were an emerging, industrializing nation with growth in manufacturing, mining, and other industrial sectors. We benefited from the Spanish-American War and World War I to slowly become a member of the developed nation club. Manufacturing was a greater and greater part of the economy. Once we got into World War II, the US became the number one economy since all of our potential competitors were essentially bombed back into the Bronze Age. There is a reason that most economists only refer to things ‘since World War II’ because our world changed pretty dramatically after that war. The US was the only extant industrial power for about five years after the war. We have never completely surrendered the title of world’s largest economy, though we may forfeit it here someday. Even in our current state of consumerism, we are still the world’s number one manufacturer of a surprisingly long list of goods. Read more

Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections

Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) are defined as two or more UTIs within a twelve month period. They are bacterial infections that typical involve the bladder. Classic symptoms include lower abdominal pain or ‘pressure’, urinary burning, urgency, and frequency. If the kidney is also involved, back pain and fever may be present as well. The majority of UTIs in women are uncomplicated and involve only the bladder. Complicated UTIs are those involve the kidney or occur in pregnancy, diabetics, transplant patients, frail elderly, in weakened immune systems, or with urinary tract structural or anatomic abnormalities. Read more

When Will This All End?

It has been another tough month in the markets. I know that all of you are wondering “When will this all end?”

We have no illusions that it doesn’t feel awful today.  It feels foolish to keep money in stocks.  Recognize that these feelings are hardwired into our brains, the result of centuries of lessons of creating trends where none really exist.  Actually, the contrary is true.  Stocks are much more likely to rise in the year after they have fallen over 30%. Read more

Urinary Incontinence Treatment Options

There are a variety of ways to treat or even completely control urinary incontinence, but it depends on the cause. While there are sometimes multiple factors in play that cause this condition, treatment options are limited by patient motivation, cognitive level, physical impairment, or anatomic abnormalities of the urinary tract. For most, conservative management is the first line strategy and often is quite successful in decreasing the severity of leakage. Read more